The lush green background is a world class football ground at PWS. With many more of such amazing facilities your child will be thrilled to transform into a curious learner and confident performer!
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The lush green background is a world class football ground at PWS. With many more of such amazing facilities your child will be thrilled to transform into a curious learner and confident performer!
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Why Choose Pearl Wisdom School?
Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School is one of the best Indian CBSE schools in Dubai, where students get all round development through strong focus on innovative learning. Pearl Wisdom School is a part of Bhavans Middle East – an education venture associated with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai – started in Kuwait in the year 2000 with an aim to support the Indian community in GCC states for the educational needs of children of Indian origin.

Focus on how to learn

Discovery & analysis

Experiential learning

Experienced staff

Adaptive teaching

Unparalleled infrastructure
Unique Finesse of Facilities For Moulding Future Leaders
Pearl Wisdom School in Dubai is equipped with modern infrastructure and trained coaches that motivate our students to lead the path of excellence – be it academics, sports, music, drama, social, spiritual, and several such aspects that make up a wholesome personality.
Are you looking for the best Indian curriculum CBSE school in Dubai for your child? Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School is the ideal entry point for students of all ages, right from Kindergarten all the way up to CBSE affiliated higher standards of schooling.

With the prime objective of engaging children physically, emotionally and socially, our kindergarten culture presents the perfect learning environment for kids that helps them take baby steps as a strong foundation.

Characterized by enjoyment in learning, our primary schooling methods involve learning through exploring and discovery, focus on basics, cultivating creativity and building confidence through opportune platforms.

Teaching approach at this stage involves enticing children to innovate, tinker, explore and experience the joy of making through experimental and experiential methods in the science, mathematics and linguistic subjects.

Riding on the strong foundations laid down throughout the journey right from kindergarten, the focus at this stage is on academic excellence and transformation by inculcating sound social values for being socially responsible citizens.

Bhavans Middle East – an education venture associated with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai – started in Kuwait in the year 2000 with an aim to support the Indian community in GCC states for the educational needs of children of Indian origin.
8 CBSE Schools
Imparting highest quality education to over 12000 Bhavanites in the Middle East


Managed By Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan